Sunday 18 January 2009

Here I am- deliver me! ................................... or not.

Why do some "hardcore" christians feel the need to pray in public, deliver "you're going to hell" speeches and shove unwanted flyers into hands of those innocently passsing by?

As an atheist, perhaps I am unable to understand the subtleties of religion, but I shall do by best. Through my understanding of the Christian religion, God is able to talk to eveyone and values everyone equally. God knows everything, including when you're praying and what you're praying about.

Yet some Christians believe that they have the right to judge the actions of others simply because they go round praying in public and trying to force their judgements those around them (evangelise their friends). Yet how would a Christian be able to judge others without being free of sin, as it states in the Bible? Of course, it is because they are holier than everyone else and because they believe they are like Christ. Maybe I would be wrong in calling this blasphemy, perhaps, "aspiring to be like a role model" is a better phrase...

Perhaps it is time for those Christians to take a leaf from the books of their supposedly less holy Christian peers and realise that they are not God, and that God, and the rest of the world, does not appreciate them trying to be God.


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